In celebration of Spring and the month of change we’d like to pay tribute to our South African fauna and flora. South Africa is the third most biodiverse country in the world and inhabitants have for centuries employed the help of indigenous medicinal plants.
These healing plants treated all sorts of maladies including cancer, diabetes and tuberculosis as well as more benign complaints such as the common cold, arthritis, menstrual problems, stomach issues, to ward off lighting, evil powers and chase away mosquitoes and dogs.
The philosopher and teacher Rudolf Steiner once said,
“For every human illness, somewhere in the world there exists a plant which is the cure.”
African Ginger (Siphonochilus aethiopicus) is a popular Zulu herbal medicine that was believed to offer protection against snakes and lightning. More conventionally it was found to aid digestion, relieve sinusitis and asthma as well as reducing fevers by inducing sweating.
African Potato Plant. Traditional healers have used it as a muthi to treat delirium, ‘bad blood’ (in diabetes), PMS and as a parasiticide. Conventional uses include application of a deep penetrating ointment to treat symptoms associated with arthritis, psoriasis and fibromyalgia. It is also beneficial against skin conditions such as eczema, acne, scars, burns, rashes, bed sores, warts, stretch marks, sunburn, insect bites and dry skin.
Buchu has long been described as a “miracle herb” and medicinal plant in South Africa, being used for centuries as a folk remedy or “boereraat” for anything from urinary tract infections to nervousness.
Buchu has long been used as a primary treatment for multiple diseases and conditions in various countries, including South Africa, the United States, Europe and the United Kingdom, but its favour declined in the modern era with the development of more effective western solutions.
The herb is currently enjoying renewed interest, due to more and more people seeking alternative natural health remedies, with social media being abuzz with photos of home-made Buchu edibles, such as smoothies, teas and even salads where the leaves are used as garnish.
Camphor bush, Tarchonanthus camphoratus is also known as leleshwa, African wild sage or ‘vaalbos’ (Afrikaans). It’s name refers to the strong camphor smell of the leaves. It is a small tree with grey leaves and grows between 2 m and 9 m high. It’s creamy white flowers form white fluffy seed heads which were used to stuff pillows. Wild animals can often be seen rubbing against the bush. Studies indicated that these animals suffer less from insects. Similarly, it is used as bedding by the Maasai people who believes it aids in deterring insects and promotes deep sleep.
Traditional uses by the Khoi and early Cape settlers included treating stomach ailments, as a mood enhancer and as an relaxant. It was also thought to help with hair growth, breaking addictions and letting go of negative emotions. Similar to rosemary, Cape Snowbush has an invigorating effect and acts as an antidepressant, also relieving feelings of stress, anxiety and anger.
Cape Snowbush oil relieves spasms (muscle, respiratory, digestive) and is effective to stop bleeding. Its antiseptic and antiviral properties protect the body against infections. It is also used as a diuretic (to expel toxins from the body), treats coughs and colds and soothes headaches. Rubbing the leaves, the plant gives off a fresh camphor smell.
Also known as ‘Everlasting’ by some, locals call it ‘Imphepho’ (Xhosa, Zulu), or ‘Kooigoed’ (Khoisan, Afrikaans). Traditionally it was used to invoke ancestors, clear negative energy from rooms or to fumigate sick rooms. As it repels insects, Helichrysum Oil was used as bedding and helped against insomnia. It is said to relieve tension and headaches and can be used to treat coughs, colds and fever. It has powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties, making it an essential in a first-aid kit to treat insect bites and even spider, scorpion and snake bites.
Helichrysum essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties, which is ideal for tendonitis, tissue pain and rheumatism. It is also antifungal, antiseptic and due to its regeneration properties can aid the healing of scar tissue, dermatitis and acne.
Moringa leaves, gums, roots, flowers as well as kernels have been utilized for managing tissue tenderness, cardiovascular and liver maladies, normalize blood glucose and cholesterol. It has also profound antimicrobial and anti-TB activities. In developing countries, the moringa leaf powder is commonly used as a medicinal herb, rather than food as in Asian populations. It is often taken as a supplement by HIV-infected people to enhance immunity and manage opportunistic infections.
The caffeine-free tea reputed to have medicinal properties including lowering the incidence of cancer. It is safe to use on babies and is used to treat stomach cramps, skin irritation and nappy rash. The polyphenols (organic chemicals with antioxidant properties) in rooibos have anti-inflammatory, antiviral and anti-mutagenic (prevents mutation) properties and can protect the body from free radicals which can cause cancer and heart disease. Rooibos is a good source of antioxidants and is the only known source of a potent antioxidant called aspalathin, which may assist in treating diabetes by balancing blood sugar levels and improving the absorption of glucose.
Information is for educational and informational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The information is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment offered by healthcare professionals.